The Golden Lady of Goldenrods: A Loc Extension Harvest

Meet Freda.

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Her  pure radiant golden energy gave birth to this look.  One of my most beloved clients and friends we were honored to create this look of Ombre Medium sized Blonde Loc Extensions .

loc extensions khinky fashion dreads
Loc Extensions Khinky Fashion Dreads
loc extensions khinky fashion dreads

Her  adventurous spirit  and golden energy came together effortlessly.   As a client when she heard  about our  idea of taking our work to a farm she was ready and willing to come on the journey.... 

loc extensions khinky fashion dreads
loc extensions khinky fashion dreads
loc extensions khinky fashion dreads
loc extensions khinky fashion dreads


It was the season of Goldenrod flower, an abundant healer of kidneys and inflammations and skin issues. 

In ancient times it was  used to celebrate new ventures and good news and thats a perfect way to describe our Golden lady and the wonderful day we had  celebrating nature and our  new beginnings,  so it was a perfect setting for Freda's  golden positive vibes. 

Goldenrod flower (common name) is scientifically known as Solidago. The name Solidago comes from Latin where solid means heal and ago means ‘to make ’. Its  a member of the sunflower family.  

We also found a Golden cocoon that day , if only I knew then , that God had sent us  sign of what glory would be revealed for our business in the fullness of time.  


loc extensions khinky Goldenrod
loc extensions khinky Goldenrod

 We thank our sister for sharing her beautiful spirit and joining the Khinky Family !!!  We hope you enjoy this loc extension experience as you dream up a new sunny  beginning  for your own golden loc extension journey.


Blessings !


Romans 8:18

loc extensions khinky Goldenrod





loc extensions khinky fashion dreads

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